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Monday, March 26, 2018

Day 35: Church Growth

Monday of Holy Week

Scripture: Acts 2:41-42
NRS 41 So those who welcomed his message were baptized, and that day about three thousand persons were added. 42 They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Devotional: Peter has led and preached. We have seen the Church grow at an unbelievable rate as three thousand people were baptized and joined the church following his very first sermon. They became the first “new” members of the Church. Did they take membership vows and simply show up for worship on Sunday? Or, were their lives dramatically changed as they re-prioritized what was important to them? Luke gives us a clear answer. They devoted themselves daily to the teaching of the Apostles, fellowship, breaking bread, praying, and selling possessions to share resources with each other so that no was in need. Peter and the apostles were performing many wonders and signs and the people were being filled with awe, with glad and generous hearts, and with giving spirits, as they made this Christian walk together. Peter, forgiven and empowered, was following the will of God and leading others to do the same. This was God’s plan from the beginning. Peter was to become The Rock, but in his despair from a missing body, Peter chose not to cooperate and returned to his old life. Forgiveness freed him to make a new choice. This time he chose the path of cooperation and allowed God to work in his life. Each did their part. Peter trusted in the power of the Holy Spirit and proclaimed the Good News. In His prevenient grace, God the Holy Spirit freed people’s hearts to respond to the sermon. Daily the church grew. God gently wooed those hearing Peter’s proclamation of the Good News to come back to Him. Peter preached boldly but left the outcome to God. As always, God was faithful to provide and daily the number of the Church grew. Peter cooperated with God and the church grew exponentially. Are we doing the same? Are we pursuing God’s will for our lives? Are we doing something with which God can cooperate to bring about unbelievable results? Just as God’s plans on Pentecost involved working through Peter to grow the church, His plans today include working through each of us to continue growing His Kingdom. Will we cooperate?

Prayer: God of Peter and the Apostles, who worked in cooperation with their obedience to grow Your Church at an unbelievable rate. We ask that you give us a vision of Your will for our lives, so we may follow in obedience, and witness You doing unbelievable things today. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Song of praise: Build Your Kingdom Here by Rend Collective Experiment

Spiritual discipline challenge: Today we find the early church sharing everything they have with each other so that no one was in need. Our challenge is to embrace the spiritual discipline of simplicity as we find something to give to another to meet their needs.

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