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Friday, March 23, 2018

Day 33: A Leader is Born

6th Friday in Lent

Scripture: Acts 1:15-17
NRS 15 In those days Peter stood up among the believers (together the crowd numbered about one hundred twenty persons) and said, 16 "Friends, the scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit through David foretold concerning Judas, who became a guide for those who arrested Jesus-- 17 for he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry."

Devotional: Knowing that the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are companion books written by the physician, we sometimes wonder why the compilers of the New Testament put the Gospel of John between them. The simple answer is they were grouping the four gospels together. They began with the three synoptic gospels then let John stand alone. They began with the histories of Jesus’ earthly ministry then moved to the history of the early Church. Unintentionally, their ordering gave us a more complete picture of Peter’s life. John concluded his gospel with a breakfast conversation that brought forgiveness, freedom and ministry focus as Jesus asked Peter to again, “Follow Me.” The Acts of the Apostles depicts a Peter who abandoned his notion of returning to his former life, as he rejoined the ten and one hundred and twenty-nine other disciples in Jerusalem. Peter the failure had suddenly become Peter the leader. He stood in the midst of the believers and gave a Scriptural explanation of Judas’ behavior before he organized them to choose a replacement. Peter was owning his role as “The Rock,” and assuming leadership of this ragtag bunch of Jesus followers. He would lead them to grow fully into the body of Christ as thousands joined them daily. It was in this birth of a leader that we see the power of God’s forgiveness at work. Peter was convicted of his failure as the rooster crowed. In his guilt and shame, he turned away from the life to which Jesus had called him and returned to his fishing boat. Bold Peter had been completely humbled, but Jesus was not about to surrender the call on Peter’s life. He met him on the beach to offer forgiveness for his denial and assurance that he was up to the job of being “The Rock.” In that moment, Peter was freed from the guilt and debilitating power of his failure. In that moment, he was born again to lead the Church in the power of the Holy Spirit. In that moment, he became humbly bold. The same is true for each of us. When we encounter the forgiveness for our failures offered through Christ Jesus, we too are freed from their guilt and power. With that freedom we are empowered and expected to lead ministries in the church. Will we embrace this freedom in Christ and become the leaders He needs today to transform the world through humble boldness?

Prayer: Lord, today we see the birth of a leader as Peter overcomes past guilt and shame through the power of Your grace.  Forgiven and freed he assumed the role to which You had called him. We pray that You would assure each of us that we too are forgiven and freed. Motivate us into ministry roles within the Body of Christ, Amen.

Song of praise:            Forgiven performed by David Crowder

Spiritual discipline challenge: Today we pray, but today our prayer is a listening prayer. Our challenge today is to spend five minutes silently before God listening for His still small voice boldly proclaiming our forgiveness and freedom. When we have heard it, we offer Him thanks for the abundance of His love and grace in our lives.

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