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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Day 30: A Twist with the Third

5th Tuesday in Lent

Scripture: John 21:17
NRS 17 He said to him the third time, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" Peter felt hurt because he said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" And he said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep.

Devotional: At last we reach the third question. In the English, we seek explanation for the thrice repetition. We might connect it with the threefold denial, but we would completely miss the beauty of the original exchange. A beautiful restoration of Peter that is available to each of us today. Twice Jesus has asked “Peter do you agape me?” Twice Peter has responded “Jesus I phileo you.” Twice Jesus has asked, “Peter, when you said you would lay your life down were you just posing for people or was it real?” Twice Peter has replied, “I was posing, but I’m done. All I have is real brotherly love for you.” Jesus asked if Peter was done with his bold, impulsive claims. Jesus asked a second time to give Peter a chance to reflect on his answer. Now Jesus asks a third question. In the English translation, it looks the same as the first two, but the Greek reveals a subtle twist. Jesus twice asked if Peter loved Him enough to give up his life for Him. Peter twice responded, “Lord you know I don’t, I couldn’t even pass the rooster test, but I love you like a brother.” With an assurance that Peter had the humility needed to be the person upon which Christ would build His Church and a certainty that Peter had an authentic love for Him, Jesus asked the third question. It was words of reconciliation that moved Jesus towards Peter instead of demanding that Peter come to Him. “Peter do you phileo me?” “Yes, Lord You know everything, how I have boasted and how I have failed, but You know that I phileo You. I love You like a brother.” This moment was the turning point of Peter’s life. It was his new birth. Jesus wasn’t demanding something from Peter that he was currently incapable of giving. He was accepting Peter where he was with all that he could currently give. Jesus could transform someone with authentic brotherly love into someone who would lay down his life. In this moment Jesus empowered Peter with humble boldness. He reaffirms his role as shepherd to Jesus’ flock. Use that same brotherly love you have for Me to take care of them. As Peter keeps loving and keeps serving, he will become the person he wanted to be at the Passover supper. A day will come when the humbly bold Peter will be able to lay down his life, but that all started when Jesus simply accepted his brotherly love.

Prayer: Lord we ask you to meet us where we are today. Strengthen us, so we can move from this place to where you want us to serve You and the Kingdom with our whole heart, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Song of praise:        Old For New performed by Hannah McClure


Spiritual discipline challenge: Today we find Peter amidst the other disciples, but in a spirit of solitude as he encounters Jesus. Find a moment today, even if it is amidst many people, to quietly seek God with your whole heart. Devote time to Him in a spirit of solitude and devotion.

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