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Monday, March 19, 2018

Day 29: The Second Question

5th Monday in Lent

Scripture: John 21:16
NRS 16 A second time he said to him, "Simon son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Tend my sheep."

Devotional: Yesterday we encountered our first question in the Greek, “Peter do you love me enough to give up your life like you said you would,” and the reply “No lord, I love you like a brother.” Today we encounter the second exchange and it, with the exception of tending sheep instead of feeding lambs, is identical. “Peter son of John do you agape me?” “Yes Lord, you know that I phileo you.” With the first pointed question, Jesus confronted Peter’s former misplaced boldness. It was a boldness that depended upon Peter’s own power and it would always fall short. Jesus is hoping the rooster truly humbled Peter and his answer seems to imply that it did. It is an important enough issue to warrant a double check. Jesus asks again, “Peter are you sure you are not going to be making bold, baseless statements on my behalf that are just going to lead to shame and humiliation instead of to my glory?’ “Yes Lord, I am sure, I have had all the shame and humiliation that I can handle in this lifetime. All I have is you and I will serve you in whatever way you lead me to do.” As we read this second exchange we have to ask ourselves, “Is this reassurance of humility for Jesus or for Peter?” Jesus, God the Son, knows all things. He knows Peter has found the humility required to lead His Church, but Simon Peter doesn’t. He still doubts his role in the Church, especially his qualifications for leadership. Sometimes when we are asked a question, we are quick to blurt an answer that we think the person asking wants to hear. We haven’t really given the thought required to make sure the words of our mouth match the condition of our heart. When we are asked the same question a second time, we have a moment to really reflect on the answer we first gave. “Peter you say you have traded in boldness and brashness for humility, are you sure?” We can imagine the long pause the text cannot convey, as Peter really thinks about his second answer. “Yes Lord, I am sure.” As Christians we are going to be asked tough questions in our lives. We are going to be asked questions that challenge our faith and the way we live as Christians. We need to take time to reflect on our answers before we speak, so when we respond it is with the certainty of Peter’s second reply.

Prayer: God the Father we come to You in the name of God the Son, thanking You for the assurance of faith You place in our hearts.  That assurance makes us humble enough to serve others and bold enough to stand proudly for Your love. Give us the opportunity today to share Your love with another in a humbly bold kind of way, Amen.

Song of praise: It Is Well With My Soul performed by BYU Vocal Point


Spiritual discipline challenge: Today Jesus has reassured Peter’s heart that it is fit and ready for service. Today, find a way to serve someone unexpectedly in a way that surprises them with joy.

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