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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Day 22: The Return

4th Saturday in Lent

Scripture: John 20:8-10
NRS 8 Then the other disciple, who reached the tomb first, also went in, and he saw and believed; 9 for as yet they did not understand the scripture, that he must rise from the dead. 10 Then the disciples returned to their homes.

Devotional: Today we reach the crux of the story that began with the first verse of chapter twenty. Mary reported the body of the Lord missing. Peter and the Beloved raced to the tomb to investigate. They found it empty except for the linen wrappings and folded head cloth. Peter had entered the tomb alone, but his solitude was interrupted. Verse eight records that the other disciple, upon entering, saw and believed. Here is our question from day twenty, “What did he believe?” The assumption that we raised two days ago is one often made about the discovery of the empty tomb, “They saw and believed that Jesus had risen from the dead just like He said He would.” The problem with that assumption is that His resurrection had never been a topic of discussion since they found the body missing. The report and investigation was about a missing body. Based on the words recorded in John, the only possible thing that the other disciple could have believed was what Mary reported, “They have taken the body of the Lord and we do not know where they have laid it.” Theft, not resurrection. We find further evidence of this being what they must have believed in verse nine, “For as yet they did not understand the scripture, that He must rise from the dead.” The disciples could not have Easter faith because all they understood was that Jesus’ body was missing. The piece of evidence to support their belief of theft is their response to the discovery. If they actually had Easter Faith wouldn’t they have shouted from the roof tops, just as we do on Easter morning, “CHRIST HAS RISEN?” That is not an unreasonable expectation, but they did not. Instead of proclaiming resurrection, they simply returned to their homes. In fact, we won’t find Peter mentioned in the Gospel of John by name, until we find him fishing in chapter twenty-one. Peter had failed Jesus with his repeated denials; Jesus the Messiah had been killed and now His body had been taken. Was this the end of Peter’s life of following Christ? That must have been how it seemed, because Peter returns not just to his home, but to his former life. He goes back to what he knows, casting a net. What about us? When our Christian walk turns out different than we expected, do we return to our old ways? Do we return to our former lives? We must remember what Peter forgot, our faith is in Jesus, not our expectations.

Prayer: Lord of the empty tomb and Lord of the fishing boat; Lord who knows all truth and reveals it in Your own time; we ask today that You reveal Your truth to us, so that no matter where we find ourselves we can turn from the familiarity of our lives to the adventure that is following You, the Resurrected Messiah. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Song of praise:                   God With Me by ICF Worship


Spiritual discipline challenge: Today we return to the discipline of confession. Sometimes we find ourselves in the same place as Peter, returning to our old lives because we feel like we can no longer follow Christ. Find someone today to whom you can confess your frustrations, failings and misunderstandings so your heart will be freed for breakfast on the beach.

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