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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Day 20: The Theft

4th Thursday in Lent

Scripture: John 20:1-3
NRS 1 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb. 2 So she ran and went to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, and said to them, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid him." 3 Then Peter and the other disciple set out and went toward the tomb.

Devotional: Have you ever heard the term “Easter Faith?” It is generally a term used to describe the difference between the disciples’ faith before Jesus goes to the cross versus their faith after the resurrection. It is often assumed, because the gospels read, “They saw and believed,” that the experience of walking into the empty tomb led to the disciples having an immediate Easter faith. Adherents to this belief leave little room for questions or doubts, so the measure of our faith against a standard of their certainty may fall short. We wonder how the disciples could have such great faith so fast, when ours has been taking time to develop. Before we stand in the conviction that they left the empty tomb ready to preach their certain resurrection belief to the world, let’s take a moment to consider what the text of the gospel tells us they actually believed. For the next three days, we will focus on the discovery account from the Gospel of John. Today we begin with Mary reporting her discovery to Simon Peter and the other disciple. Knowing what she reported is key to our understanding of their belief in the empty tomb because it defines their expectations. Alone and in the dark, Mary went to the tomb and found the stone rolled away. She didn’t enter. She didn’t look for clues. She didn’t encounter an angel. She ran to Simon Peter. Her report? “Someone has stolen Jesus’ body.” She went expecting a dead body, so her report to the disciples was that the body was stolen. She did not report resurrection. She did not come to them proclaiming, “Jesus has risen from the dead!” On this side of history, we know the truth of resurrection, but Mary and the disciples never even considered it a possibility. Peter and the Beloved went to the tomb to inspect a situation regarding a missing body, not a resurrected one. One cannot have resurrection faith if they don’t believe it is even possible, so at the tomb there couldn’t have been Easter faith. This is a perfect example of why, in our own study of the Bible, we need to make careful inspection of the text rather than let assumptions made too quickly lead us down the road of misunderstanding. Easter faith will come, just not as they stood in the empty tomb.

Prayer: Lord we pray that You will open our eyes to the truth found in Your Word. Help us to understand what the disciples understood so we travel their same journey of a growing Easter Faith, Amen.

Song of praise: Christ the Lord is Risen Today (He is Not Dead) by NCC Worship  


Spiritual discipline challenge: Today is Wednesday, a day we gather with other Christians to revel in God’s Word. Find time today to connect with a fellow Christian and celebrate the truth that Christ has risen indeed!

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