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Monday, March 5, 2018

Day 17: Once

3rd Monday in Lent

Scripture: John 18:15-17
NRS 15 Simon Peter and another disciple followed Jesus. Since that disciple was known to the high priest, he went with Jesus into the courtyard of the high priest, 16 but Peter was standing outside at the gate. So the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out, spoke to the woman who guarded the gate, and brought Peter in. 17 The woman said to Peter, "You are not also one of this man's disciples, are you?" He said, "I am not."

Devotional: Today, the story that began on day fourteen begins to play out. Peter’s fight with the sword was denied and now his bold promise would be tested. Would the fear of being arrested and dying a criminal’s death cause him to falter? He slept in the Garden of Gethsemane, swung a sword at the high priest’s servant, and witnessed one of the twelve betray Jesus into the hands of the Sanhedrin. He even watched a scared disciple flee naked. This was not what Peter had signed up for, but he decided to follow quietly as Jesus was led away from the garden. He was stopped at the courtyard gate, until the beloved disciple used his influence to gain entry for them both. One can imagine the fear that was pulsing through Peter’s veins, not only for his Lord and Master, but for himself as well. Jesus had taught the disciples that if the world hated Him, it would hate them even more. If that was true, the fate Jesus was facing would be the same for Peter. The fear of that sudden reality transformed a promise made in the comfort of an upper room about dying in battle into the cold fingers of an impending death on a cross. As they crossed the threshold, almost immediately, the woman guarding the gate asked him if he was one of Jesus’ disciples. Peter felt the fingers and forgot the prediction made about his bold promise, “No I am not!” In our brains, the bell tolls once. We know what is coming, but equally we know the paralyzing power of that kind of fear. If you are reading this thinking, “No, I do not know that kind of fear,” don’t worry at some point in your Christian walk you will. The fear comes when we are confronted with a cost for our Christianity greater than we really expected to pay. That cost is different for each of us, but we will all encounter it. Some of us may be victorious and willing to pay the price; if so, bravo! Keep up the faith! Many of us are going to find ourselves in the same place as Peter. The question for us becomes will we recognize what is happening so we can behave differently when confronted the second time or will we stay in the same failing rut as Peter.

Prayer: God of redemption; God of transformation; God of empowerment; we pray today that when we are confronted with a cost for our Christianity greater than we ever imagined paying, that You will strengthen us to pay the price the first time, but if we fail, to prepare us to overcome the second time we are confronted. In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Song of praise: Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) by Chris Tomlin


Spiritual discipline challenge: Today is Saturday, the day before we gather for corporate worship. Find some time today to prepare your heart for corporate worship by entering into a private time of worship. Praise God for His work in our lives and seek His peace so we are ready to receive the Risen Christ in Sunday worship.

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