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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Day 1: The Call of Peter

Ash Wednesday

Scripture: Matthew 4:18-20 (Mark 1:16-18)
NRS 18As he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea-- for they were fishermen. 19 And he said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fish for people." 20 Immediately they left their nets and followed him.

Devotional: Have you ever wondered which gospel came first? The answers are varied, but the one with the greatest historical consensus is the Gospel of Mark. One reason it is believed to be primary is because it is found almost word for word in the independent gospels of Matthew and Luke. They each seem to add to what Mark has already recorded. Our passage today is an excellent example. Matthew’s version of the call of Peter is almost identical to the same verses in Mark, with just a few additions. Luke gives an even fuller account. It is understandable that someone preparing a written account of a life and ministry would add to the sources that have come before. Further contributing to the belief that Mark was written first is the tradition that John Mark was recording Simon Peter’s account of his time with Jesus. Shouldn’t the testimony of the one upon whom Christ was going to build His church come before all others? That would be a natural foundation upon which others could build their gospels, adding biographical and historical details that provide further insights into the Son of the Living God. John Mark writes with simple and concise language to communicate foundational truths. His account of Peter’s calling is no different. He wants his readers to understand that responding to the call of Christ is simply choosing to get off our path and follow His. Peter was on a path pursuing fish. The Son of the Living God called him to fish for people. He immediately chooses to abandon his path. He drops his nets and follows Christ. It is a bold beginning for Peter and it can be just as bold for each of us. He doesn’t yet know it, but his choice will lead to the cross; first for Jesus and then for Peter himself. Ours is no different. Following Jesus leads to the cross, but that journey is one of amazing transformation. Through this devotional journey, we will get to witness Peter’s transformation from bold impulsivity into a humble boldness. It was a transformation of heart that can be duplicated in our own when we respond with equal boldness to Jesus’ call.

Prayer: Creator of the universe who chose to walk in the garden in the cool of the evening with those You created. We stand amazed that You continue to choose to walk with us today. Lord help us hear Your call. Empower us to surrender to that call in a way that transforms our hearts. Through Your grace, may we become humbly bold Christians who share your transforming love with the world, Amen.

Song of praise:         I Will Follow by Chris Tomlin


Spiritual discipline challenge: Because we have committed to make Ash Wednesday a strict fast day our spiritual discipline today is fasting. We are challenged to fast from all food through service tonight after which we are invited to break our fast by sharing fruit dishes with someone else on this journey.

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